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Modern Slavery Discussion Panel

Last Thursday an insightful and lively dialogue took place at the ISSA Cleaning & Hygiene Expo where the panel shared their perspective and insights on the Modern Slavery Legislation.

Tony Gorgovski, our CEO, shared his journey on how the procurement practice has evolved in BIC over the last 12 months and the importance of making these changes in how we procure.
His commitment and drive to assess our own supply chains to lead the way in the cleaning industry has changed how we work with our suppliers. Our suppliers have become our partners, trusted advisors and also fully accountable in driving best and humane practices across all facets of the procurement cycle.
Such is the importance of adhering to the Modern Slavery Legislation in BIC, Tony has made this part of BIC’s essential core values and a unique selling point. By leading the way and being fully transparent with our internal and external stakeholders, BIC and our CEO, will hold the torch and walk the talk.

If you would like further information on BIC’s commitment to The Modern Slavery Legislation and Cleaning Accountability Framework please contact us on