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To support the environment and reduce our consumption how did you fare with Buy Nothing Day on Saturday?

This support cultural campaign began in 1992 in Canada by Ted Dave, an Artist and Founding Father as a day for society to examine and take action against over consumption.

Since then 65 other countries including Australia have become part of this annual campaign to drive awareness around over consumption.

How much do we really need and what is the impact on the environment around what we purchase and use?

On living counter-cultural lives consider the spectrum of minalismation and the dramatic difference this can make in your life, at work and to the planet. By making wise purchasing choices the knock on effect is great and real. Consider purchasing naked foods that are not wrapped. Buy recycled goods and items which are sustainable and do no harm to the planet. Minimise the purchasing of plastic items and consider introducing a menu of services in your workplace which outlines clever and practical ways to recycle and manage the waste we do create.
Rome wasn’t built in a day but by changing our mindset and purchasing behaviours we are speeding up the process to help us and our environment.
Save the date for next year to take part in Buying Nothing on the last Saturday in November.

Click here to gain some insightful tips on how to consume less.


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